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The Rocket Book

7,40 €
ELI Readers

Number 15 Cherry Drive is a normal house in a normal town. The people who live there don’t really take any notice of each other, except for formal greetings. All this is going to be different when Mr. Popper’s son Michael sets off a rocket in the basement which moves up through the house, changing people’s lives. This story is based on a story called The Rocket Book by Peter Newell originally published in 1912.
In this reader you will find:
- Games and language activities
- A picture dictionary
- A cartoon to watch and listen to
Link to 2030 Sustainable Development Goals
Goal 11: Making cities more inclusive.
Relationship | Family | Everyday Life

Maggiori Informazioni
ISBN 9788853643841
Autori Based on the story by Peter Newell
Livello linguistico A1
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